The Project

We are looking to fund our Fenit Marine Heritage Project.

Our community has a long-standing maritime history which we want to encapsulate in a fully accessible viewing platform commanding views of Tralee Bay. This will highlight the maritime landscape and ecology of the bay including the maritime history, flora and fauna and the geographical importance of the area. it will be wheelchair accessible, with information provided in Braille.

As our fishing and maritime population is changing fast in Fenit. We hope to document it for future generations.

We believe that this project has the potential to capture and bring to life the full maritime history of Fenit and captivate residents and visitors alike.

To achieve these goals, we are seeking a total funding amount of €120,000. This funding will be used to cover most of the ground works, construction works, and design and production of a 2.6 metre bronze map, to be located on the waste land at the western side of Fenit pier below the statue of St. Brendan the Navigator.

We have a solid plan for the successful implementation of this project which already has a concept design, including approved planning permission from Kerry County Council, architect’s plans, creative design and supporting infrastructure.

Now we need your help to complete this project. We believe that this project has the potential to make a significant impact, and your support would be greatly appreciated.


December 2023
Planning Permission – Approved!
Jan 2024 - Apr 2025
Fundraising and grant applications
Autumn 2025
Commencement of works
Summer 2026
Official opening


From Left: Mike Moriarty, Mary O’Brien Browne, Eileen O’Connell and Michael Pierce

Our Team

DMA Architects

Project Architects

DMA Architects provides a professional & individualised service that draws on years of experience and personal contacts from within the industry to deliver research-led architecture that focuses on health & wellbeing in the built environment.

Lavery Ring

Project Artists

Liam Lavery & Eithne Ring have always made marks, objects and sculptures, been fascinated by the world in which they inhabit; its built and natural environment, Its histories, lore, people and their stories.  They tell these stories, fashion them out of clay, bend them into metal and melt them into bronze and aluminium.